Scoring Sexual Addiction Screening Test for Men (SAST
- (Your sexual behavior may be an area of concern)
- 3-5 (Your answers indicate professional help for sexually compulsive or addictive behavior is warranted)
- 6+ (Your answers reveal that you clearly have a problem with potentially self abusive and/or dangerous consequences. You should seek treatment with a trained professional.)
A cautionary note:
There is a wide range of prevailing opinions as to what is acceptable sexual behavior. If you are concerned about your own sexual behavior, and you feel that your behavior is causing you problems, or may get you into trouble with the law, please talk to a professional.
Treatment for sexual addiction is available through therapy as well as 12-step support groups such as Sex Addicts Anonymous and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. Please print out your sexual addiction test and score and share it with your doctor or therapist.
Remember, this is NOT a diagnosis. Only a doctor or qualified mental health professional can make a diagnosis of sexual addiction or sexual compulsivity and recommend treatments.
Copyright 2003 Patrick J. Carnes, PhD and Robert Weiss, LCSW, CAS. All rights reserved. For personal use only; other use may be prohibited by law. Visit the Sexual Recovery Institute for more info.